编号 zgly0000369368
文献类型 期刊论文
文献题名 Genetic Variation and Clonal Diversity of the Two Divergent Types of Clonal Populations of Leymus chinensis Tzvel on the Song Liao Steppe in the West of Northeastern China
学科分类 220.1520;林木遗传学
作者单位 GrasslandResearchStation DepartmentofBiologicalSciencesandBiotechnology
母体文献 Journal of Integrative Plant Biology;植物学报: 英文版
年卷期 2005,47(7)
页码 811-822
年份 2005
分类号 Q943
关键词 遗传变异 松辽平原 无性系 品种多样性 品种类型 Leymus chinensis
文摘内容 The genetic variation and clonal diversity of two divergent types (grey-green and yellow-green) of clonal populations of Leymus chinensis Tzvel at 14 loci were compared. Total gene diversity (HT) and the coefficient of genetic differentiation (GST) were all higher for the yellow-green type (HT = 0.270; GST =0.186) than for the grey-green type (HT = 0.250; GST = 0.157) of L. chinensis. Rare alleles usually occurred as heterozygotes rather than homozygotes and significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were found only at a few loci. This indicated that these two types of populations were mainly out-crossing. Clonal diversity, evenness of clones, and mean clone size were not significantly different between the two types. We found that differences between the clone size and genetic variation of the yellow-green type of populations occurred with different climate and habitat population groups. However, for the grey-green type of populations, these genetic variations decreased under conditions of different climate and habitat population groups。