编号 zgly0000649852
文献类型 期刊论文
文献题名 质粒pUC19-CM-D的构建及应用
学科分类 220.1520;林木遗传学
作者 卢福芝 孙靓 黄靖华 黄艳燕 黄日波 Fu-zhi Jing-hua Yan-yan Ri-bo
作者单位 广西大学化学与化工学院 广西科学院国家非粮生物质能源工程技术研究中心
母体文献 农业科学与技术: 英文版
年卷期 2010(5)
年份 2010
分类号 S
关键词 自杀质粒 构建 抗性基因 鼠李糖乳杆菌 resistant gene gene deletion 缺陷型 菌株 载体 基因替换 基因缺失 乳酸脱氢酶基因 一次筛选 基因功能研究 工程菌 方法 target gene application fragments 研究对象
[Objective] The aims were to construct a new suicide plasmid of Lactobacillus and gene deletion engineering bacteria of Lactobacillus with pUC19 vector,[Methods]pUC19-CM was constructed by inserting a chloramphenicol resistant gene into the multi-cloning site of pUC19,and then two homologous fragments were cloned into each side of the pUC19-CM to construct suicide plasmid pUC19-CM-D.[Results]A replacement mutant strain,whose target gene was replaced by resistant gene,could be obtained by transforming the suicide plasmid pUC19-CMD into Lactobacillus for resistance screening. [Conclusion] The construction and application of pUC19-CM-D provided a fast and efficient means of construction of gene deletion engineering bacteria of Lactobacillus,and laid a foundation for study of gene function of Lactobacillus.