数据资源: 中文期刊论文

Changes of Soluble Protein, Peroxidase Activity and Distribution During Regeneration After Girdling in Eucommia ulmoides

编号 zgly0000330857

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 Changes of Soluble Protein, Peroxidase Activity and Distribution During Regeneration After Girdling in Eucommia ulmoides

作者 HOUHong-Wei  Kalima-N'KomaMWANGE  WANGYa-Qing  CUIKe-Ming 

作者单位 CollegeofLifeSciences 

母体文献 Acta Botanica Sinica(植物学报:英文版) 

年卷期 2004,46(2)

页码 216-223

年份 2004 

分类号 Q944.2 

关键词 过氧化物酶  形成层  杜仲  剥皮  再生  同工酶 

文摘内容 Peroxidases are known to play important roles in plant wound healing. Biochemical analysisand histochemical localization techniques were used to assess changes and distribution of peroxidases inthe recovering bark after girdling in Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. Between 4 and 21 days after girdling (DAG),peroxidases activity in the girdled trees significantly increased by 30-40 times over that in ungirdled trees.During the whole bark recovery process (from 0 to 63 DAG), the peroxidase signal was not found in thetissue regions subjected to intense cell division activity (regenerating cambial zone and phellogen). However,high peroxidase activity was detected in the callus, cortex-like, mature phloem and xylem. Interestingly, itwas shown that, in maturing xylem and phloem cells, there was respectively an inward and outwardperoxidase activity gradient on both sides of the cambium zone. An isoelectric-focusing electrophoresis ofthe extracted protein displayed two isozyme bands of peroxidase: POD Ⅰ and POD Ⅱ. POD Ⅰ was onlydetected in the xylem fraction and could play a role in xylem differentiation. POD Ⅱ was only identified inthe recovering bark portion and could be more engaged in bark regeneration process. A relationshipbetween IAA and peroxidase is also discussed。

