数据资源: 中文期刊论文


编号 zgly0001585933

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 近30年来藏北高原湖泊变化对气候波动的响应(英文)

作者 边多  边巴次仁  李林  王伟  扎西央宗 

作者单位 TibetInstituteofPlateauAtmosphericandEnvironmentalScienceResearch  Lhasa850001  China 

母体文献 Journal of Geographical Sciences 

年卷期 2009年02期

年份 2009 

分类号 P467 

关键词 TibetanPlateau  NagquArea  lake  waterlevelchange  climatechange 

文摘内容 According to the analysis of the climate materials including the topographic map in 1975, the TM and CBERS satellite remote sensing materials from the 1980s to 2005 as well as the air temperature, precipitation, evaporation rate, maximum depth of snow and the biggest depth of frozen soil in the past 45 years, the water level area of four lakes at the southeast of Nagqu, Tibet including Bam Co, Pung Co, Dung Co and Nuripung Co show a distinct trend of expansion in the past 30 years.In 2005, the water level area of the above four lakes increased by 48.2 km2, 38.2 km2, 19.8 km2 and 26.0 km2 respectively compared to 1975, with the respective increase rate of 25.6%, 28.2%, 16.2% and 37.6%.That is closely related to the warming and humidified climate change in the recent years such as rise of the air temperature, increase of the precipitation, decrease of the evaporation rate and permafrost degradation.

