数据资源: 中文期刊论文


编号 zgly0001683633

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 区域气候变化对西藏扎布耶、当雄错、班戈湖变化的影响(英文)

作者 王云生  郑绵平  闫丽娟  卜令忠  齐文 

作者单位 MLRKeyLaboratoryofSalineLakeResourcesandEnvironments  InstituteofMineralResources  ChineseAcademyofGeologicalSciences  R&DCenterforSalineLakesandEpithermalDeposits  ChineseAcademyofGeologicalS 

母体文献 Journal of Geographical Sciences 

年卷期 2019年11期

年份 2019 

分类号 P467 

关键词 TibetanPlateau  salinelake  climatevariation  lakechange 

文摘内容 The lake hydrological and meteorological data of the Tibetan Plateau are not rich. This research reports the observed climatic data and measured water levels of saline lakes from the local meteorological stations in the Zabuye salt lake, the Dangqiong Co salt lake and the Bankog Co salt lake in recent two decades. Combining with satellite remote sensing maps, we have analyzed the changes of the water level of these three lakes in recent years and discussed the origins of the changes induced by the meteorological factors. The results show that the annual mean temperature and the water level reflect a general ascending trend in these three lakes during the observation period. The rising rates of the annual mean temperature were 0.08℃/yr during 1991–2014 and 0.07℃/yr during 2004–2014, and of the water level, were 0.032 m/yr and 0.24 m/yr, respectively. Analysis of changes of the meteorological factors shows the main cause for the increase of lake water quantity are the reduced lake evaporation and the increased precipitation in the lake basins by the rise of average temperature. Seasonal variation of lake water level is powered largely by the supply of lake water types and the seasonal change of regional climate.

