数据资源: 林业专题资讯

cis-Regulatory Elements in Plant Development, Adaptation, and Evolution

编号 040038403

推送时间 20230227

研究领域 森林培育 

年份 2022 

类型 期刊 

语种 英语

标题 cis-Regulatory Elements in Plant Development, Adaptation, and Evolution

来源期刊 Annual Review of Plant Biology


发表时间 20230106

关键词 cis-regulatory elements;  chromatin;  transcription regulation;  development; 
stress response; 

摘要 is-Regulatory elements encode the genomic blueprints that ensure the proper spatiotemporal patterning of gene expression necessary for appropriate development and responses to the environment. Accumulating evidence implicates changes to gene expression as a major source of phenotypic novelty in eukaryotes, including acute phenotypes such as disease and cancer in mammals. Moreover, genetic and epigenetic variation affecting cis-regulatory sequences over longer evolutionary timescales has become a recurring theme in studies of morphological divergence and local adaption. Here, we discuss the functions of and methods used to identify various classes of cis-regulatory elements, as well as their role in plant development and response to the environment. We highlight opportunities to exploit cis-regulatory variants underlying plant development and environmental responses for crop improvement efforts. Although a comprehensive understanding of cis-regulatory mechanisms in plants has lagged in animals, we showcase several breakthrough findings that have profoundly influenced plant biology and shaped the overall understanding of transcriptional regulation in eukaryotes.

服务人员 孙小满

服务院士 尹伟伦

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