数据资源: 中文期刊论文


编号 zgly0001645382

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 土地利用优化对土壤固碳潜力的效应模拟(英文)

作者 姚静韬  孔祥斌 

作者单位 CollegeofLandScienceandTechnology  ChinaAgriculturalUniversity  KeyLaboratoryforAgriculturalLandQuality  MonitoringandControl  TheMinistryofLandandResources 

母体文献 Journal of Geographical Sciences 

年卷期 2018年11期

年份 2018 

分类号 S153.6 

关键词 soilorganiccarbonsaturation  carbonsequestrationpotential  land-usechange  modeling  Beijing 

文摘内容 Increasing soil organic carbon(SOC) sequestration is not only an efficient method to address climate change problems but also a useful way to improve land productivity.It has been reported by many studies that land-use changes can significantly influence the sequestration of SOC.However,the SOC sequestration potential(SOCP,the difference between the saturation and the existing content of SOC) caused by land-use change,and the effects of land-use optimization on the SOCP are still not well understood.In this research,we modeled the effects of land-use optimization on SOCP in Beijing.We simulated three land-use optimization scenarios(uncontrolled scenario,scale control scenario,and spatial restriction scenario) and assessed their effects on SOCP.The total SOCP(0–20 cm) in Beijing in 2010 was estimated as 23.82 Tg C or 18.27 t C/ha.In the uncontrolled scenario,the built-up land area of Beijing would increase by 951 km~2 from 2010 to 2030,and the SOCP would decrease by 1.73 Tg C.In the scale control scenario,the built-up land area would decrease by 25 km~2 and the SOCP would increase by 0.07 Tg C from 2010 to 2030.Compared to the uncontrolled scenario,the SOCP in 2030 of Beijing would increase by 0.77 Tg C or 0.64 t C/ha in the spatial restriction scenario.This research provides evidence to guide planning authorities in conducting land-use optimization strategies and estimating their effects on the carbon sequestration function of land-use systems.

