编号 zgly0001691444
文献类型 期刊论文
文献题名 中国空中廊道划设与时空拥堵识别及其航线流量影响(英文)
作者单位 SchoolofResourceandEnvironmentSciences HebeiNormalUniversity DecisionSystems&e-ServiceIntelligenceLab CentreforArtificialIntelligence FacultyofEngineeringandInformationTechnology UniversityofTechnologySydney
母体文献 Journal of Geographical Sciences
年卷期 2019年12期
年份 2019
分类号 V355.1
关键词 corridors-in-the-sky congestionidentification airroutes’trafficflow space-timemap China
文摘内容 With rapid development of air transportation, the airspace structure of the future will need to be flexible and dynamic to accommodate the increase in traffic demand. The corridors-in-the-sky has become a new technology to support the full exploitation and utilization of airspace resources. This paper proposes a method of designing corridor, identifying congestion state, and analyzing the influence of air routes’ traffic flow. From this, we have reached a number of conclusions.(1) The congestion periods present the multi-peak wavy scattered distributions and the peaks back-end agglomeration characteristics in the whole day.(2) The congestion segments present the structural characteristics of unbalanced coverage and concentrated distribution to the crossing points. The corridors with high congestion level present as an italic N-shaped frame, which presents incomplete penetration of short segments.(3) For the temporal and spatial interaction, there are two types of congestion segments, and there are some common congestion periods in different congestion segments of multiple corridors. The high-density air route plays a relatively decisive role in corridor congestion, and the influence of two directions is unbalanced. This research can provide a basis for the dynamic evaluation of China’s airspace resources and corridors construction in the future.