编号 zgly0001675797
文献类型 期刊论文
文献题名 云南南部城市化对生态系统服务的生物多样性保护的影响(英文)
作者 成方妍 刘世梁 侯笑云 武雪 董世魁 AnaCOXIXO
作者单位 SchoolofEnvironment BeijingNormalUniversity
母体文献 Journal of Geographical Sciences
年卷期 2019年07期
年份 2019
分类号 Q16
关键词 urbanexpansion ecosystemservice PANDORA landscapepattern urbanplanning
文摘内容 Urbanization can profoundly influence the ecosystem service for biodiversity conservation. However, few studies have investigated this effect, which is significant for maintaining regional sustainable development. We take the rapidly developing, mountainous and biodiversity hotspot region, Jinghong, in southern Yunnan Province as the case study. An integrated ecosystem service model(PANDORA) is used to evaluate this regional BESV(ecosystem service value for biodiversity conservation). The modeled BESV is sensitive to landscape connectivity changes. From the 1970 s to 2010, regional urban lands increased from 18.64 km2 to 36.81 km2, while the BESV decreased from $6.08 million year-1 to $5.32 million year-1. Along with distance gradients from the city center to the fringe, BESV varies as an approximate hump-shaped pattern. Because correlation analysis reveals a stronger influence of landscape composition on spatial BESV estimates than the landscape configuration does, we conclude that the projected urban expansion will accelerate the BESV reduction. Of the projected urban land, 95% will show a decreasing BESV trend by approximately $2 m-2 year-1. To prevent this, we recommend compact urban planning for the mountainous city.