数据资源: 中文期刊论文

Research advance in forest restoration on the burned blanks

编号 zgly0000303664

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 Research advance in forest restoration on the burned blanks

学科分类 220.3030;森林防火学

作者 LIXiu-zhen  ZHAOShan-lun  YINHai-wei  KONGFan-hua 

作者单位 CollegeofPopulation 

母体文献 Journal of Forestry Research;林业研究: 英文版 

年卷期 2003,14(2)

页码 180-184

年份 2003 

分类号 S762  X171.4 

关键词 森林火灾  火烧迹地  森林恢复  种群  群落  生态  景观  地理信息系统  遥感技术 

文摘内容 How to restore the destroyed forest after forest fire is a key question that man must face. This paper reviewed the research situation and history on the forest restoration burned blanks and summed up the research methods used into four scales: seed-bank scale, community scale, ecosystem scale and landscape scale. The new technologies such as GIS & Remote Sensing used to vegetation restoration were also summarized. The strategies and developing trend of vegetation restoration research on burned blanks were discussed。

