数据资源: 中文期刊论文


编号 zgly0001585025

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 复杂地形对长江流域太阳总辐射的影响(英文)

作者 王丽  邱新法  王培法  王晓英  刘爱利 

作者单位 SchoolofRemoteSensing  NanjingUniversityofInformationScienceandTechnology 

母体文献 Journal of Geographical Sciences 

年卷期 2014年06期

年份 2014 

分类号 P422.1 

关键词 ruggedterrain  globalsolarradiation(GSR)  distributedmodel  DigitalElevationModel  YangtzeRiverBasin 

文摘内容 Global solar radiation(GSR) is the most direct source and form of global energy, and calculation of its quantity is highly complex due to influences of local topography and terrain inter-shielding. Digital elevation model(DEM) data as a representation of the complex terrain and multiplicity condition produces a series of topographic factors(e.g. slope, aspect, etc.). Based on 1 km resolution DEM data, meteorological observations and NOAA-AVHRR remote sensing data, a distributed model for the calculation of GSR over rugged terrain within the Yangtze River Basin has been developed. The overarching model permits calculation of astronomical solar radiation for rugged topography and comprises a distributed direct solar radiation model, a distributed diffuse radiation model and a distributed terrain reflectance radiation model. Using the developed model, a quantitative simulation of the GSR space distribution and visualization has been undertaken, with results subsequently analyzed with respect to locality and terrain. Analyses suggest that GSR magnitude is seasonally affected, while the degree of influence was found to increase in concurrence with increasing altitude. Moreover, GSR magnitude exhibited clear spatial variation with respect to the dominant local aspect; GSR values associated with the sunny southern slopes were significantly greater than those associated with shaded slopes. Error analysis indicates a mean absolute error of 12.983 MJm-2 and a mean relative error of 3.608%, while the results based on a site authentication procedure display an absolute error of 22.621 MJm-2 and a relative error of 4.626%.

