编号 zgly0000334846
文献类型 期刊论文
文献题名 基于遥感数据的晋陕蒙交汇区景观格局定量分析——以榆林幅1/25万TM影像分析为例
学科分类 220.1060;森林生态学
作者 李团胜
作者单位 长安大学地球科学与国土资源学院
母体文献 应用生态学报
年卷期 2004,15(3)
页码 540-542
年份 2004
分类号 Q149 TP75
关键词 遥感数据 晋陕蒙交汇区 景观格局 定量分析 景观生态学 TM影像分析
文摘内容 Based on the TM image of Yulin sheet and with the help of ERDAS,ARC/INFO and ARC/VIEW software,the landscape of Yulin sheet was classified.Using the spatial pattern analysis software FRAGSTATS of the vector version,a set of landscape indices were calculated at three scale levels of patches,classes and landscape.The resuits showed that landscape pattern indices could be successfully used in characterizing the spatial pattern of the studied area.However,this study should be further extended to the landscape of the same area in other period to analyze its dynamic change.FRAGSTATS was a good software,hut should be improved by adding some indices such as PD2 developed by us。