数据资源: 中文期刊论文


编号 zgly0001584616

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 胡焕庸线两侧的人口分布与城镇化格局趋势——尝试回答李克强总理之问(英文)

作者 陈明星  龚颖华  李扬  陆大道  张华 

作者单位 InstituteofGeographicSciencesandNaturalResourcesResearch  KeyLaboratoryofSustainableRegionalDevelopmentandModeling  CAS  UniversityofChineseAcademyofSciences  ChinaCenterforModernizationResearch  CAS  StateKeyLaboratoryofRemoteSen 

母体文献 Journal of Geographical Sciences 

年卷期 2016年11期

年份 2016 

分类号 C924.2  F299.21 

关键词 HuHuanyongLine  Premier’squestion  populationdistribution  urbanization  patterns  trends 

文摘内容 In late November 2014, while attending a science exhibition on human settlement at the National Museum, Premier Li Keqiang posed a question to society and scientists regarding the Hu Huanyong Line, which the media subsequently dubbed the Premier’s question. This increased awareness and interest in the Hu Huanyong Line and launched a lively debate which provoked a variety of views. In an attempt to address the Premier’s question, this paper firstly reviews the origins of the Hu Huanyong Line, named after the famous population geographer who proposed it in 1935 as part of a wider debate on domestic overpopulation. Using demographic data from China’s first, fifth and sixth censuses, as well as the Arc GIS platform, we analyze the size, proportion and density of populations in the areas southeast and northwest of the Hu Huanyong Line, showing that urbanization and migration have not changed the pattern of population distribution observed by Hu Huanyong. Based on this, we suggest that the pattern of a dense population southeast of the line and sparse population northwest of the line will not fundamentally change for a relatively long time, nor will the situation of urban agglomerations being mainly found in the southeastern region. We also argue that climate and other physical geographic conditions determine that the Hu Huanyong Line shall remain in place. We believe that the question posed by Premier Li Keqiang is solvable, and that with positive policy guidance and rational spatial organization, the northwestern region can achieve more modernization and better quality urbanization, while the same is true for the central region.

