数据资源: 林业专题资讯

Satellite Time Series and Google Earth Engine Democratize the Process of Forest-Recovery Monitoring over Large Areas

编号 030032001

推送时间 20211206

研究领域 森林经理 

年份 2021 

类型 期刊 

语种 英语

标题 Satellite Time Series and Google Earth Engine Democratize the Process of Forest-Recovery Monitoring over Large Areas



发表时间 20211123

关键词 spectral recovery;  forest harvest;  Landsat time series;  LandTrendr;  Google Earth Engine;  data democratization;  open-access data;  science-to-knowledge translation; 

摘要 Contemporary forest-health initiatives require technologies and workflows that can monitor forest degradation and recovery simply and efficiently over large areas. Spectral recovery analysis—the examination of spectral trajectories in satellite time series—can help democratize this process, particularly when performed with cloud computing and open-access satellite archives. We used the Landsat archive and Google Earth Engine (GEE) to track spectral recovery across more than 57,000 forest harvest areas in the Canadian province of Alberta. We analyzed changes in the normalized burn ratio (NBR) to document a variety of recovery metrics, including year of harvest, percent recovery after five years, number of years required to achieve 80% of pre-disturbance NBR, and % recovery the end of our monitoring window (2018). We found harvest areas in Alberta to recover an average of 59.9% of their pre-harvest NBR after five years. The mean number of years required to achieve 80% recovery in the province was 8.7 years. We observed significant variability in pre- and post-harvest spectral recovery both regionally and locally, demonstrating the importance of climate, elevation, and complex local factors on rates of spectral recovery. These findings are comparable to those reported in other studies and demonstrate the potential for our workflow to support broad-scale management and research objectives in a manner that is complimentary to existing information sources. Measures of spectral recovery for all 57,979 harvest areas in our analysis are freely available and browseable via a custom GEE visualization tool, further demonstrating the accessibility of this information to stakeholders and interested members of the public.

服务人员 付贺龙

服务院士 唐守正

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