数据资源: 林业专题资讯

A Planted Forest Mapping Method Based on Long-Term Change Trend Features Derived from Dense Landsat Time Series in an Ecological Restoration Region

编号 030033305

推送时间 20220307

研究领域 森林经理 

年份 2022 

类型 期刊 

语种 英语

标题 A Planted Forest Mapping Method Based on Long-Term Change Trend Features Derived from Dense Landsat Time Series in an Ecological Restoration Region



发表时间 20220216

关键词 planted forests;  long-term change trend features;  Landsat time series;  Google Earth Engine;  random forest;  NDVI; 

摘要 Planted forests provide a variety of meaningful ecological functions and services, which is a major approach for ecological restoration, especially in arid areas. However, mapping planted forests with remote-sensed data remains challenging due to the similarities in canopy spectral and structure characteristics and associated phenology features between planted forests and other vegetation types. In this study, taking advantage of the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform and taking the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in northwestern China as an example, we developed an approach to map planted forests in an arid region by applying long-term features of the NDVI derived from dense Landsat time series. Our land cover map achieved a satisfactory accuracy and relatively low uncertainty, with an overall accuracy of 93.65% and a kappa value of 0.92. Specifically, the producer (PA) and user accuracies (UA) were 92.48% and 91.79% for the planted forest class, and 93.88% and 95.83% for the natural forest class, respectively. The total planted forest area was estimated as 3608.72 km2?in 2020, accounting for 20.60% of the study area. The proposed mapping approach can facilitate assessment of the restoration effects of ecological engineering and research on ecosystem services and stability of planted forests.

服务人员 付贺龙

服务院士 唐守正

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