数据资源: 中文期刊论文


编号 zgly0001586282

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 新疆伊犁河谷不同植被带下土壤有机碳分布(英文)

作者 杨玉海  陈亚宁  李卫红  陈亚鹏 

作者单位 KeyLaboratoryofOasisEcologyandDesertEnvironment  XinjiangInstituteofEcologyandGeography  CAS 

母体文献 Journal of Geographical Sciences 

年卷期 2010年05期

年份 2010 

分类号 S153.62 

关键词 vegetation  grassland  soilorganiccarbon  IliRiverValley 

文摘内容 We analyzed and estimated the distribution and reserves of soil organic carbon under nine different vegetation conditions including alpine meadow,meadow steppe,typical steppe,desert steppe,and temperate coniferous forest and so on,in the Ili River valley,Xinjiang according to data from field investigations and laboratory analyses in 2008 and 2009.The study results show that the soil organic carbon content in the Ili River valley varies with the type of vegetation.In the 0-50 cm soil horizon,the soil organic carbon content is the highest under the vegetation types of alpine meadow and meadow steppe,slightly lower under temperate coniferous forest and typical steppe,and the lowest under the intrazonal vegetation and desert vegetation types.The soil organic carbon content shows basically a tendency to decrease as soil depth increases under various vegetation types except in the case of the intrazonal vegetation.Similarly,the soil organic carbon density is the highest and varies little under the vegetation types of alpine meadow,meadow steppe and temperate coniferous forest,and is the lowest under the desert vegetation type.Both the soil organic carbon content and density in the topsoil of meadows in the Ili River valley are high,so protecting meadows in the Ili River valley,and especially their topsoil,should be a priority so that the potential of change in soil organic carbon in the shallow soil horizon is reduced,and this means maintenance of the stability of the soil carbon pool.

