数据资源: 中文期刊论文

Comparison Between Four Methods for Data Fusion of ETM+ Multispectral and Pan Images

编号 zgly0000375111

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 Comparison Between Four Methods for Data Fusion of ETM+ Multispectral and Pan Images

作者 PouranBehnia 

作者单位 StateKeyLaboratoryofInformationEngineeringinSurveying 

母体文献 Geo-spatial Information Science;地球空间信息科学学报: 英文版 

年卷期 2005,8(2)

页码 98-103

年份 2005 

分类号 TP751.1 

关键词 数据融合  遥感图像  光滑滤波  亮度调制 

文摘内容 Four data fusion methods, principle component transform (PCT), brovey transform (BT), smoothing filter-based intensity modulation(SFIM), and hue, saturation, intensity (HSI), are used to merge Landsat--7 ETMq- multispectral bands with ETM+ panchromatic band. Each of them improves the spatial resolution effectively but distorts the original spectral signatures to some extent. SFIM model can produce optimal fusion data with respect to preservation of spectral integrity. However, it results the most blurred and noisy image if the coregistration between the multispectral and pan images is not accurate enough. The spectral integrity for all methods is preserved better if the original multispectral images are within the spectral range of ETM+ pan image。

