编号 zgly0000303659
文献类型 期刊论文
文献题名 FORESTAR: A decision—support system for multi—objective forest management in Northeast China
学科分类 220.20;森林培育学
作者 SHAOGuo-fan DAILi-min LIYing-shan LiuYong-min BAIGuang-xin
作者单位 InstituteofAppfiedEcology
母体文献 Journal of Forestry Research;林业研究: 英文版
年卷期 2003,14(2)
页码 141-145
年份 2003
分类号 S750-39
关键词 中国 东北地区 多目标 决策支持系统 FORESTAR 森林经营 天然林保护工程 退耕还林工程 林业政策
文摘内容 Past monoculture forestry in China has contributed to countrywide ecological disasters and economic difficulties in forestry regions. China's new forestry programs, Natural Forest Conservation Program and Returning Farmlands to Forests Program, provide opportunities for ecosystem management of mountain forests in China. A decision support system, FORE-STAR, has been developed for better managing and protecting natural forests in Changbai Mountain area. It uses GIS-based forest inventory data at a scale of forestry bureau. The first version contains two sub-modules: forest operation and forest res-toration. Under each sub-module, users can compare several decision options and make optimal choices. It can help field for-esters, forest managers, and policy makers make multi-objective and consistent decisions in planning forest management at hierarchical administrative scales。