数据资源: 中文期刊论文


编号 zgly0001586123

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 长江三角洲地区经济极化趋势、功能及扩展范围(英文)

作者 段学军  虞孝感  JosefNipper 

作者单位 NanjingInstituteofGeography&Limnology  CAS  UniversitaetKoeln 

母体文献 Journal of Geographical Sciences 

年卷期 2009年06期

年份 2009 

分类号 F127 

关键词 EconomicPolarizedArea  function  expandedboundaries  YangtzeDeltaRegion 

文摘内容 In the era of economic globalization,the concept of Economic Polarized Area comes into being as an effective vehicle to agglomerate the economic elements and sustain the economic lifeline of the region. Based on the region’s specific development mode and construction form the concept is working in such a way that it will contribute to guide the economic development of the country and will play an important role in competing with other regions or countries in the world. Due to the high speed development of the last 30 years,the Yangtze Delta Region starts to show the features of Economic Polarized Area. But,compared with other world-class Economic Polarized Areas,the economic strength and the ability of the Yangtze Delta Region to drive the country’s economic development is still very low and the competitive power is still very limited. Expanding the boundaries of the Economic Polarized Area of the Yangtze Delta may extend the economic hinterland of the core area of the Yangtze Delta Region,will lighten the pressures from the limited resource and promote the rationalization of the industrial structure in the Yangtze Delta Region’s core area. With regard to the reasonable boundaries of the Yangtze Delta Region,there are different opinions and controversial arguments in political and academic circles. Starting from the idea of increasing the competitive power and improving the economic strength of the Yangtze Delta Region,the paper firstly is discussing the requirements to become a world-class Economic Polarized Area. In a second step an analysis of functional complementation and economic collaboration between the cities of an extended Yangtze Delta Region has been carried out by in particular considering the feasibility of integrating these newly included cities. The final result of the study is,that the Region should be expanded from the number of 16 cities to 37 cities,and the appended cities should be divided up into two categories:Wenzhou,Jinhua,Yancheng,Huaian,Maanshan,Wuhu,Tongling,Chaohu,Hefei,Chuzhou,Xuancheng should be taken as Preferred Extending Area,and Suqian,Xuzhou,Lianyungang,Lishui,Quzhou,Chizhou,Anqing,Bengbu,Huangshan,Suzhou (Anhui Province) should be taken as Retained Qualification Area.

