数据资源: 中文期刊论文

A New Software for GIS Image Pixel Topographic Factors in Remote Sensing Monitoring of Soil Losses

编号 zgly0000125816

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 A New Software for GIS Image Pixel Topographic Factors in Remote Sensing Monitoring of Soil Losses

学科分类 220.1040;森林土壤学


作者单位 InstituteofSoilScience 

母体文献 PEDOSPHERE(土壤圈:英文版) 

年卷期 1995,5(1)

页码 67-74

年份 1995 

分类号 S157.1  TP75 

关键词 水土流失  遥感监测  GIS  图像像素  地形因子  计算机软件 

文摘内容 Based on the new algorithm for GIS image pixel topographic factors in remote sensing monitoring of soil losses,a software was developed for microcomputer to carry out computation at a medium river basin (County),This paper lays its emphasis on algorithmic skills and programming techniques as well as application of the software。

