数据资源: 中文期刊论文


编号 zgly0001584052

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 2001-2013年华北地区植被覆盖度与干旱条件的相关分析(英文)

作者 宫兆宁  赵舒怡  谷金芝 

作者单位 BeijingLaboratoryofWaterResourcesSecurity  KeyLaboratoryof3DInformationAcquisitionandApplication  MinistryofEducation  KeyLaboratoryofResourcesEnvironmentandGISofBeijing  CollegeofResourceEnvironment&Tourism  CapitalNormalUnive 

母体文献 Journal of Geographical Sciences 

年卷期 2017年02期

年份 2017 

分类号 Q948.1 

关键词 NorthChina  vegetationcoverage  PDSI  ecoregion  correlationanalysis 

文摘内容 Climate change is one of the most important factors that affect vegetation distribution in North China. Among all climatic factors, drought is considered to have the most significant effect on the environment. Based on previous studies, the climate drought index can be used to assess the evolutionary trend of the ecological environment under various arid climatic conditions. It is necessary for us to further explore the relationship between vegetation coverage(index) and climate drought conditions. Therefore, in this study, based on MODIS-NDVI products and meteorological observation data, the Palmer Drought Severity Index(PDSI) and vegetation coverage in North China were first calculated. Then, the interannual variations of PDSI and vegetation coverage during 2001–2013 were analyzed using a Theil-Sen slope estimator. Finally, an ecoregion perspective of the correlation between them was discussed. The experimental results demonstrated that the PDSI index and vegetation coverage value varied over different ecoregions. During the period 2001–2013, vegetation coverage increased in the southern and northern mountains of North China, while it showed a decreasing trend in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan City Circle area and suburban agricultural zone located in Hebei Province and Henan Province). Over 13 years, the climate of the northeastern part of North China became more humid, while in the southern part of North China, it tended to be dry. According to the correlation analysis results, 73.37% of North China showed a positive correlation between the vegetation coverage and climate drought index. A negative correlation was observed mainly in urban and suburban areas of Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei Province, and Henan Province. In most parts of North China, drought conditions in summer and autumn had a strong influence on vegetation coverage.

