数据资源: 中文期刊论文


编号 zgly0001409951

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 苏州古典园林垂直绿化造景探析(英文)

作者 姜丽丽  蔡平  刘振 

作者单位 苏州大学金螳螂建筑与城市环境学院 

母体文献 Journal of Landscape Research 

年卷期 2011年10期

年份 2011 

分类号 TU986 

关键词 Suzhou classical gardens  Vertical greening  Plants  Forms 

文摘内容 Based on the survey of vertical greening plants in Suzhou classical gardens, the paper had introduced plants varieties for vertical greening in the gardens, and pointed out that it was one of the common techniques for vertical greening landscaping to make use of vine plants. It had also introduced 23 species of plants having been applied in vertical greening landscaping in Suzhou classical gardens, which belonged to 19 genera and 13 families. In terms of application form, it emphasized that white walls should be treated as papers and plants as paintings, shelves as pavilions and plants as shade, fences as supports and plants as decorations, rockeries as bones and plants as coats, banks as bases and plants as edges, columns as axes and plants as ornaments, bridges as surfaces and plants as points, and sloping fields as groves and plants as auxiliaries by taking vertical greening in Nets Garden, the Humble Administrator’s Garden, Lingering Garden, the Garden of Pleasant, the Lion Forest Garden and Coupling Garden for example.

