数据资源: 中文期刊论文


编号 zgly0001584091

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 生态系统服务保护热点与冷点区制图研究(英文)

作者 李英杰  张立伟  延军平  王鹏涛  胡宁科  程伟  傅伯杰 

作者单位 DepartmentofGeography  TourismandEnvironmentCollegeofShaanxiNormalUniversity  StateKeyLaboratoryofUrbanandRegionalEcology  ResearchCenterforEco-EnvironmentalSciences  CAS 

母体文献 Journal of Geographical Sciences 

年卷期 2017年06期

年份 2017 

分类号 X171 

关键词 ecosystemservicesmapping  soilconservation  spatialclustering  Getis-OrdGi*statistics  ShaanxiProvince 

文摘内容 Spatial-explicitly mapping of the hotspots and coldspots is a vital link in the priority setting for ecosystem services(ES)conservation.However,little research has identified and tested the compactness and efficiency of their ES hotspots and coldspots,which may weaken the effectiveness of ecological conservation.In this study,based on the RUSLE model and Getis-Ord Gi*statistics,we quantified the variation of annual soil conservation services(SC)and identified the statistically significant hotspots and coldspots in Shaanxi Province of China from 2000 to 2013.The results indicate that,1)areas with high SC presented a significantly increasing trend as well,while areas with low SC only changed slightly;2)SC hotspots and coldspots showed an obvious spatial differentiation—the hotspots were mainly spatially aggregated in southern Shaanxi,while the coldspots were mainly distributed in the Guanzhong Basin and Sand-windy Plateau;and 3)the identified hotspots had the highest capacity of providing SC,with 29.6%of the total area providing 59.7%of the total service.In contrast,the coldspots occupied 46.3%of the total area,but only provided 17.2%of the total SC.In addition to conserving single ES,the Getis-Ord Gi*statistics method can also help identify multi-functional priority areas for conserving multiple ES and biodiversity.

