数据资源: 中文期刊论文

Pollen transport in the Shiyang River drainage,arid China

编号 zgly0000311664

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 Pollen transport in the Shiyang River drainage,arid China

学科分类 220.1060;森林生态学

作者 XIEYaowen  CHENGBo  CHENFahu  ZHANGJiawu  ZHUYan 

作者单位 CenterforAridEnvironmentandPaleoclimateResearch  NationalLaboratoryofWestChina‘sEnvironmentalSystem  L 

母体文献 Chinese Science Bulletin;中国科学通报: 英文版 

年卷期 2003,48(14)

页码 1499-1506

年份 2003 

分类号 Q948.122.6 

关键词 中国  干旱地区  泗阳河  内陆河流域  花粉传播 

文摘内容 In order to assess the contribution of the pollen transported by wind and fluvial flows to the pollen spectra in Shiyang River drainage,a typical small endorheic drainage in arid lands of northwest China, preliminary studies on modern pollen rain along two transects with 91 surface soil samples, 8 atmospheric samples, 30 modern fluvial flow samples and 50 riverbed mud samples, were carried out.Results show that dispersal agents (air, flowing water) have dissimilar effects on transport of pollen and the structure of pollen spectra. Fluvial flow has a stronger capacity thanwind to transport large quantities of pollen over long dis-tances. Pollen transported by fluvial flow makes a large con-tribution to the pollen spectra of riverbed alluvial sediments.Paleoenvironmental reconstructions undertaken using pollen spectra from fluvial sediments in arid lands are strongly influenced by pollen transport. Therefore, the sources, the transportation agents and the depositional condition of pol-len should be systematically investigated before pollen as-semblages are used to derive the environmental significance in such settings。

