编号 zgly0000363281
文献类型 期刊论文
文献题名 Assessment of factors affecting in vitro shoot regeneration from axillary bud explant of Camptotheca acuminata
学科分类 220.99;林学其他学科
作者 WANGHui-Mei ZUYuan-Gang DONGFeng-Li ZHAOXiao-Ju
作者单位 KeyLaboratoryofForestPlantEcology theMinistryofEducation NortheastForestryUniversityHarbin150040 P.R.China
母体文献 Journal of Forestry Research;林业研究: 英文版
年卷期 2005,16(1)
页码 52-54,i003
年份 2005
分类号 S792.99
关键词 喜树 腋芽 离体再生 培养基 组织培养
文摘内容 Axillary buds from 3-yr.-old seedlings of Camptotheca acuminata in the greenhouse were cultured on the different basal media with different concentrations of growth regulators for shoot regeneration for studying the effects of different basal media, different concentrations of growth regulators (BA or TDZ), sucrose, agar and pH value on shoot regeneration from axillary bud. The results showed that B5 and WPM media were the optimal basal media and the optimal phyotohormone was BA of 1.0 mg/L or TDZ of 0.1 mg/L; The concentrations of sucrose of 30g/L and agar of 6g/L were most suitable for the shoot regeneration; pH value from 5.8 to 6.6 were broadly effective, but the best at pH 5.8。