编号 zgly0001586063
文献类型 期刊论文
文献题名 新疆地貌数字区划(英文)
作者单位 XinjiangInstituteofEcologyandGeography CAS StateKeyLaboratoryofResourcesandEnvironmentalInformationSystem InstituteofGeographicSciencesandNaturalResourcesResearch CAS GraduateUniversityofChineseAcademyofSciences
母体文献 Journal of Geographical Sciences
年卷期 2009年05期
年份 2009
分类号 P931
关键词 geomorphology geomorphologicregionalization geographicalgrid systemclustering
文摘内容 This paper presents a method of geomorphologic regionalization for Xinjiang, with the use of Srtm-DEM (resolution 90 m) and TM images for 1990 (resolution 30 m). After interpretation and classification of geomorphologic types, the present research focuses on the qualitative and quantitative distribution of different geomorphologic types based on geographical grid analysis. Then, by using system clustering analysis method, geomorphologic types are grouped into divisions. The resulting geomorphologic regionalization hierarchy of Xinjiang includes three levels, i.e., macro-landform divisions, medium-landform divisions, and micro-landform divisions, containing 6, 23 and 200 types, respectively. This method makes it possible to digitally delimit geomorphologic regions. Comparison and verification show that the spatial precision of the boundaries of geomorphologic subareas in Xinjiang is very high.