数据资源: 中文期刊论文

A Case of Energy and Ecology System Development and a New Approach to System Dynamics Modeling

编号 zgly0000282835

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 A Case of Energy and Ecology System Development and a New Approach to System Dynamics Modeling

作者 JIARen-an  YANGBo 

作者单位 InstituteofSystemsEngineering  NanchangUniversity  Nanchang330047  China 

母体文献 Systems Science and Systems Engineering;系统科学与系统工程学报: 英文版 

年卷期 2002,11(4)

页码 462-470

年份 2002 

分类号 X171.1  TK01 

关键词 系统论  动态建模  反馈环  系统原型  能源系统  生态系统 

文摘内容 This paper uses SD rate variable fundamental in-tree modeling,SD branch-vector determinant method and systems archetype as tools to understand the structure and functions of energy and ecology system in Wangheqiu。

