数据资源: 中文期刊论文

Interface Characteristics of Wood-hybrid Composites

编号 zgly0000368211

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 Interface Characteristics of Wood-hybrid Composites

作者 XUEFenglian  ZHAOGuangjie 

作者单位 CollegeofMaterialScienceandTechnology  BeijingForestryUniversity  Beijing100083P.R.China 

母体文献 中国林业科技: 英文版 

年卷期 2005,4(2)

页码 75-81

年份 2005 

分类号 TB33 

关键词 内表面  界面性能  木材杂化复合物  显微结构  复合材料 

文摘内容 In order to understand the current interface characteristics of wood-hybrid composites, this paper starts off from the concept of composite interface and general theory of interface form, then the inner-surface and microstructure of wood and the interface characteristics of composites, such as wood- inorganic, wood-plastic and wood- metal made by electroless plating technique, are concluded and discussed in detail. Meanwhile,on the basis of that, some points of view about how to develop the wood-hybrid composites interface research in the future are also proposed。

