数据资源: 中文期刊论文


编号 zgly0001586720

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 长江口外海域沉积物中有机物的来源及分布(英文)

作者 高建华  汪亚平  潘少明  张瑞  李军  白风龙 

作者单位 KeyLaboratoryofCoastandIslandDevelopmentofMinistryofEducationNanjingUniversity  KeyLaboratoryofCoastandIslandDevelopmentofMinistryofEducationNanjingUniversity  QingdaoInstituteofMarineGeology  Nanjing210093China  Qingdao2660 

母体文献 Journal of Geographical Sciences 

年卷期 2008年01期

年份 2008 

分类号 P736.212 

关键词 totalorganiccarbon  totalnitrogen  stablecarbonandnitrogenisotopes  materialsources  ChangjiangEstuaryanditsadjacentseaarea 

文摘内容 The spatial distribution patterns of total organic carbon and total nitrogen show significant correlations with currents of the East China Sea Shelf. Corresponding to distribu- tions of these currents, the study area could be divided into four different parts. Total organic carbon, total nitrogen, and organic carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in sediments show linear correlations with mean grain size, respectively, thus grain size effect is an important factor that influences their distributions. C/N ratios can reflect source information of organic matter to a certain degree. In contrast, nitrogen stable isotope shows different spatial distri- bution patterns with C/N and organic carbon stable isotope, according to their relationships and regional distributions. The highest contribution (up to 50%) of terrestrial organic carbon appears near the Changjiang Estuary with isolines projecting towards northeast, indicating the influence of the Changjiang dilution water. Terrestrial particulate organic matter suffers from effects of diagenesis, benthos and incessant inputting of dead organic matter of plankton, after depositing in seabed. Therefore, the contribution of terrestrial organic carbon to particulate organic matter is obviously greater than that to organic matter in sediments in the same place.

