数据资源: 中文期刊论文


编号 zgly0001410003

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 诗情画意的中国古典园林与现代景观的意境营造(英文)

作者 唐莉英 

作者单位 西南交通大学艺术与传播学院 

母体文献 Journal of Landscape Research 

年卷期 2011年12期

年份 2011 

分类号 TU986 

关键词 Poetry and drawing  classical garden  Modern landscape  poetic images 

文摘内容 With regard to the artistic features of classical Chinese gardens,its ubiquitous poetic scenery is represented through the aspects of spatial sequence,landscape layout,hill piling and waterways dredging,plant configuration,architecture creation as well as various elements in classical garden.Emphasis is given to the close relationship between it and the traditional Chinese poetry and drawing,as it is resulted from the cultural feature of artistic classical garden and as art-and conception-centered as poetry and drawing.The connotation of conception is also analyzed,that is,inter-dependence,imaginary-real design,and correlation.Moreover,reality-and conception-centered methods in classical Chinese gardens are also introduced along with other conception creating methods such as configuration,view borrowing,empathy and symbolism.On this basis,discussion about key elements in conception creation in modern landscape design is carried out while emphasizing the understanding of environment,practice,experience,and method,so as to demonstrate the sense of place and create spatial artistic beauty through wider means.

