数据资源: 中文期刊论文

Restoring Mountain Slope Forests by Strip-cutting Shrubs in the Upper Reaches of Minjiang River, Sichuan, China: A Biodiversity-oriented Silvicuture Experiment

编号 zgly0000338910

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 Restoring Mountain Slope Forests by Strip-cutting Shrubs in the Upper Reaches of Minjiang River, Sichuan, China: A Biodiversity-oriented Silvicuture Experiment

学科分类 220.1020;森林地理学

作者 SUNShucun  BAOWeikai  PANKaiwen  GAOXianming 

作者单位 DepartmentofBiology  NanjingUnversity  Nanjing210093  P.R.China  ChengduInstituteofBiology  ChineseAcademyofSciences  Chengdu610041  P.R.China  LaboratoryofQuantitativeVegetationEcology  InstituteofBotanyChineseAcademyofSciences  Beijing10093  P.R.China 

母体文献 中国林业科技: 英文版 

年卷期 2004,3(1)

页码 7-16

年份 2004 

分类号 S717  S718.5 

关键词 生物多样性  造林试验  岷江流域  森林恢复  森林建设 

文摘内容 Restoration of mountain slope forests is often used to achieve one or a combination of the following aims, including increased production, soil protection and wildlife conservation. In this paper, biodiversity-oriented silviculture was proposed as a design principle in forest restoration from which stripcutting of shrubs was used as the restoring technology of forests. More than lO-year-observations and experimental results of the afforestation practices in the upper reaches of Minjiang River, Sichuan, China,indicated that the technology was feasible and had many advantages. Strip-cutting of shrubs ameliorated microclimate conditions, improved soil nutriem level for the growth of target tree species and increased the physical survival of pine species. Structural diversity, in terms of species, did not increase, but a shrub species was observed to differentiate from shrub layer and tended to form mixed forests. Preserve belts of the technology were supposed to meet public demands including biodiversity conservation and soil protection,and act as a basic stage in ecologically progressive succession. The promising initial results indicate that stripcutting of shrubs may be an effective practice for forest restoration in the upper reaches of Minjiang River,Sichuan, China。

