数据资源: 中文期刊论文

Succession Features and Dynamic Simulation of Subalpine Forest in the Gongga Mountain, China

编号 zgly0000344422

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 Succession Features and Dynamic Simulation of Subalpine Forest in the Gongga Mountain, China

作者 CHENGGenwei  LUOJi 

作者单位 InstituteofMountainHazardsandEnvironment  ChineseAcademyofSciences  Chengdu610041  China 

母体文献 Journal of Mountain Science;山地科学学报: 英文版 

年卷期 2004,1(1)

页码 29-37

年份 2004 

分类号 P548.2 

关键词 横断山脉  中国  亚高山带  森林  气候变化 

文摘内容 The Gongga Mountain of eastern Tibet Plateau is a representative of the alpine regions with high peaks and deep valleys. Climate change over the last thousand years has controlled the dynamics of glacier and debris flow occurrence, which resulted in substantial changes in the mountainous environment. The authors surveyed the community structure of primary forests in Gongga Mountain and forest successign processes in woodland plots. The changing features in the subalpine environment are discussed in this paper. Tree species and sizes between the glacier shrinking areas and debris flow fans in Hailuogou Valley are compared. The pioneer species that settle in debris flow fans and the glacier shrinking areas are Salix spp. and Populus purdomii. Abies fabri and Picea brachytyla are the climax tree species。

