编号 zgly0000302301
文献类型 期刊论文
文献题名 Effects of Lanthanum on Redox Systems in Plasma Membranes of Casuarina equisetifolia Seedlings Under Acid Rain Stress
学科分类 220.99;林学其他学科
作者 李裕红 严重玲 刘景春 MohammedAlmasri 梁洁 张瑞锋
作者单位 DepartmentofBiology
母体文献 Journal of Rare Earths;中国稀土学报: 英文版
年卷期 2003,21(5)
页码 577-581
年份 2003
分类号 S792.93
关键词 镧系元素 氧化还原剂 生态学 酸雨 稀土 木麻黄 质膜
文摘内容 The effects of lanthanum on some redox system(PMRS) properties of the plasma membrane (PM) vesicles from Casuarina equisetifolia seedlings under artificial acid rain (pH 4.5 )stress were studied. The results show that there are NADH oxidase and EDTA-Fe^3+ reductase, and nitrate reductase in the seedling PM, and they have different responses to soaking seeds for 8 h in a series of LaCls solution. The NADH oxidase activities and the Nitrate reductase activities can be stimulated when La^3+ concentrations is in the range of 50 ~ 200 mg· L^- 1, but their activities are inhibited or fluctuate by the higher La^3+ concentrations. The EDTA-Fe^3+ reductase activities can be stimulated by La^3+ concentrations in the range of 50 ~ 400 mg·L^-1. The research also revealed that La^3+ reduces the relative permeability of membranes and have the function in protecting membranes under acid rain stress by the way of inhibiting the leakage of electrolyte。