编号 zgly0000322103
文献类型 期刊论文
文献题名 不同悉生培养条件下食细菌线虫对细菌种群的影响
作者单位 南京农业大学资源与环境学院
母体文献 应用生态学报
年卷期 2003,14(9)
页码 1585-1587
年份 2003
分类号 Q938.1
关键词 Gnotobiotic culture Bacterivorous nematodes Bacteria Population
文摘内容 A gnotobiotic microcosm experiment was conducted to study the influence of bacterivorons nematodes (Protorhab-ditis sp. ) on bacteria (Pseudomonas fluorescens) population under different conditions including substrate concen-tration, oscillation pattern, and numbers of nematodes inoculated. When the bacteria were incubated under intermit-tent oscillation by hand (6 times at 0.5 h intervals, 22℃ ), their growth was stimulated in the presence of nema-todes, and the bacteria grew faster with the increase of nematode numbers and substrate (liquid potato-sucrose medi-um) concentration. However, when the incubation was under continuous oscillation (100 rpm, 22℃ ), bacteria pop-ulation was deflated with the addition of nematodes, and the inhibition was greater when a higher concentration of substrate was used. It was found that the stimulation or inhibition of bacteria population by nematodes occurred in the logarithmic stage of bacteria growth. The optimal and over-grazing of nematodes on regulating bacteria popula-tion was discussed。