数据资源: 中文期刊论文

Soil Enzyme Activities under Agroforestry Systems in Northern Jiangsu Province

编号 zgly0000341407

文献类型 期刊论文

文献题名 Soil Enzyme Activities under Agroforestry Systems in Northern Jiangsu Province

学科分类 220.1040;森林土壤学

作者 WanFuxu  ChenPing 

作者单位 CollegeofForestryResourceandEnvironment  NanjingForestryUniversity  Nanjing210037  ER.China 

母体文献 中国林学: 英文版 

年卷期 2004,6(2)

页码 21-26

年份 2004 

分类号 S714.2 

关键词 江苏  土壤  酶  活性  森林  过氧化氢酶  蔗糖酶  脲酶  碱性磷酸酶  间作 

文摘内容 The authors presented the enzyme characteristics of catalase, sucrase, urease and alkaline phosphatase under agroforestry systems in northern Jiangsu Province. The results show that soil enzyme activities reduce gradually from top to bottom layer of the soil profile, and the fluctuations of catalase and urease are smaller than those of sucrase and alkaline phosphatase. Soil enzyme activities differe significantly in different samples, and the order is arranged as poplar-crop intercropping segment (A, D)> paulownia-crop intercropping segment (B, C)> CK. Furthermore, soil enzyme activities increase with intercropping age. On the other hand, in the same plot, there are closer relationships between enzymes in the soil samples. Catalase, alkaline phosphatase and urease are negatively related, while alkaline phosphatase and urease are positively related (except in samples B and C). In addition,the enzyme activities have a close relationship with the fertilizers. Catalase is positively correlated with the soil pH value (r= 0.854,0.804, 0.078 and 0.082, respectively), and is negatively correlated with total N (r = -0.201, -0.529, -0.221 and -0.821, respectively),total P (r = -0.143, -0.213, -0.362 and -0.751, respectively) and available P (r = -0.339, -0.351, -0.576, and -0.676, respectively). Sucrase, urease and alkaline phosphatase are negatively correlated with the pH value, while positively correlated with the other fertilizers (r=1). The authors suggest that enzyme activity will be a great potential as an indicator of soil quality。

