数据资源: 林业专题资讯

A comprehensive review on bio epoxy based IPN: Synthesis, properties and applications

编号 020035202

推送时间 20220718

研究领域 林产化工 

年份 2022 

类型 期刊 

语种 英语

标题 A comprehensive review on bio epoxy based IPN: Synthesis, properties and applications

来源期刊 Polymer


发表时间 20220515

关键词 Bio-epoxy;  Interpenetrating polymer network;  Composites;  Properties;  Applications; 

摘要 Research and development of nature friendly materials is gaining momentum due to the increasing environmental awareness. Presently, there is an increasing focus in the expansion of renewable natural resources especially bio resins and bio composites. Commonly available synthetic epoxy resins are of petroleum origin; but bio oils like soybean, canola oils etc. are extensively used as alternatives to synthetic petro-chemical resources for the synthesis of bio resins. Bio-epoxy resins/biopolymers have emerged as a new class of materials that are having potential characteristics over petroleum based polymers. Interpenetrating polymer networks (IPN) exhibit improved mechanical properties while comparing with the individual polymer components. Epoxy based IPN's are also becoming an important material in the field of polymer science. Nevertheless, epoxy based thermosets are not reusable and bio-degradable. Thus, bio epoxy based IPNs are getting much research interest but there are not much studies based on this. This comprehensive review throws light on bio-epoxy based IPN's, their synthesis, properties and applications.

服务人员 尚玮姣

服务院士 宋湛谦

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