数据资源: 林业专题资讯

Study on characterization of mechanical, thermal properties, machinability and biodegradability of natural fiber reinforced polymer composites and its Applications, recent developments and future potentials: A comprehensive review

编号 020032902

推送时间 20220207

研究领域 林产化工 

年份 2022 

类型 期刊 

语种 英语

标题 Study on characterization of mechanical, thermal properties, machinability and biodegradability of natural fiber reinforced polymer composites and its Applications, recent developments and future potentials: A comprehensive review

来源期刊 Materialstoday:proceedings


发表时间 20211118

关键词 Natural fiber composites;  Biodegradable;  Mechanical Properties;  XRD;  FTIR;  SEM;  Hybrid composites;  Natural fibre reinforced polymer composites;  Glass fibre reinforced polymers;  Polymers;  Applications; 

摘要 The development of unique different materials to current traditional alloys, metals and artificial materials has been a hot topic in recent academic and industrial research activity around the world. Industries are paying more attention to earning carbon credits by reducing pollutants in the atmosphere. Using natural resources to create fully biodegradable or partially biodegradable composite materials is one little step toward preserving the environment around us. Interior housing, automotive, marine, residential, and other applications can all benefit from such prepared alternative materials. Composites constructed with appropriate?natural fibres?as reinforcements are one option that ensures such a reality because they are highly appreciated in a variety of engineering specialties.?Natural fibre composites?can be effectively modified for non-structural, moderate load bearing interior applications, according to results published from diverse research platforms. In addition, the few flaws in natural fibres can be solved by morphological alterations caused by different chemical or physical behavior procedures. The general goal of this study is to afford a complete analysis of natural fiber composites property characteristics.

服务人员 尚玮姣

服务院士 宋湛谦

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