编号 020036103
推送时间 20220919
研究领域 林产化工
年份 2022
类型 期刊
语种 英语
标题 A Review on Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites (NFRPC) for Sustainable Industrial Applications
来源期刊 Polymers
期 第361期
发表时间 20220905
关键词 natural fiber reinforced polymer composites; biodegradable; natural fiber; polymer composite; sustainableindustrial applications; Industry 4.0;
摘要 The depletion of petroleum-based resources and the adverse environmental problems, such as pollution, have stimulated considerable interest in the development of environmentally sustainable materials, which are composed of natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites. These materials could be tailored for a broad range of sustainable industrial applications with new surface functionalities. However, there are several challenges and drawbacks, such as composites processing production and fiber/matrix adhesion, that need to be addressed and overcome. This review could provide an overview of the technological challenges, processing techniques, characterization, properties, and potential applications of NFRPC for sustainable industrial applications. Interestingly, a roadmap for NFRPC to move into Industry 4.0 was highlighted in this review.
服务人员 尚玮姣
服务院士 宋湛谦
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