数据资源: 林业专题资讯

Foliar water uptake enables embolism removal in excised twigs of Avicennia marina

编号 040037704

推送时间 20230109

研究领域 森林培育 

年份 2022 

类型 期刊 

语种 英语

标题 Foliar water uptake enables embolism removal in excised twigs of Avicennia marina

来源期刊 The New phytologist


发表时间 20221113

关键词 cavitation;  embolism;  foliar water uptake;  hydraulics;  mangrove;  recovery;  refilling;  repair.; 

摘要 Embolism refilling is thought to require relaxation of xylem tension, and it is unclear if and how tall trees or plants growing in arid or saline soils recover from embolism. We tested whether foliar water uptake could enable embolism refilling in dehydrated twigs of the grey mangrove (Avicennia marina). Four dehydrated twigs were imaged by lab-based micro-computed tomography before and after wetting leaves. Emboli were observed in dehydrated stems and leaves. Embolism decreased with increasing distance from the cut end of stems, suggesting that stem emboli were caused by cutting. A significant (P = 0.026) c. 80% reduction in the embolised area was observed in leaves between the start and the end of the experiment (29 ± 10 h after wetting). Embolus diameter was unaffected by wetting. Embolism refilling occurred slowly, in stems embolised by cutting and leaves embolised by cutting and/or dehydration. The lack of response of embolus diameter to wetting suggests that capillarity was not the main mechanism for refilling. Results show that excised twigs of A. marina are able to recover from embolism by absorption of atmospheric water and call for studies under natural conditions.

服务人员 孙小满

服务院士 尹伟伦

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