数据资源: 林业专题资讯

Reinforcement ability of lignocellulosic components in biocomposites and their 3D printed applications – A review

编号 020031503

推送时间 20211101

研究领域 林产化工 

年份 2021 

类型 期刊 

语种 英语

标题 Reinforcement ability of lignocellulosic components in biocomposites and their 3D printed applications – A review

来源期刊 Composites Part C: Open Access


发表时间 20210712

关键词 Cellulose;  Nano-cellulose;  3D Printing;  Bio-composites;  Lignin;  Biocomposites;  Nanocellulose; 

摘要 Biocomposites?based on lignocellulosic components (e.g. pulp fibers,?nanocellulose?and lignin) are of interest as sustainable replacements for?thermoplastic?fossil-based materials, which find their application in household items, construction, automotive, 3D-printing, etc. Nanocellulose, a nano-structural component of pulp fibers, is considered having potential as a high-performance reinforcement for bioplastics, due to its high aspect ratio and potentially strong mechanical properties. Lignin, a?biodegradable polymer?isolated from pulp fibers, can be considered as an essential bioresource for the production of biocomposites, due to the aromatic structure and functional groups. In this review the reinforcing ability of selected lignocellulosic components and their applicability in?3D printing?is presented, considering their mechanical properties. At this point, there are challenges in processing nanocellulose that may reduce its attractiveness as a reinforcement in thermoplastic biocomposites. The objective of the review is to identify current challenges and opportunities for the application of 3D printed lignocellulosic biocomposites. Optimization of 3D printing process parameters are considered to be a key to further improve the mechanical properties of the end-product. Importantly, this review revealed that greater efforts in mechanical fatigue research may contribute to assess and improve the potential of lignocellulosic reinforcements for structural applications.

服务人员 尚玮姣

服务院士 宋湛谦

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