数据资源: 林业专题资讯

Stress-Related Changes in the Expression and Activity of Plant Carbonic Anhydrases

编号 040028502

推送时间 20210405

研究领域 森林培育 

年份 2021 

类型 期刊 

语种 英语

标题 Stress-Related Changes in the Expression and Activity of Plant Carbonic Anhydrases

来源期刊 Planta


发表时间 20210203

关键词 Drought;  Heavy metals;  Salinity;  Inorganic carbon;  Chilling;  Carbon concentrating mechanisms;  Stress
Stress tolerance;  Pathogen response;  Phytohormones; 

摘要 The data on stress-related changes in the expression and activity of plant carbonic anhydrases (CAs) suggest that they are generally upregulated at moderate stress severity. This indicates probable involvement of CAs in adaptation to drought, high salinity, heat, high light, Ci deficit, and excess bicarbonate. The changes in CA levels under cold stress are less studied and generally represented by the downregulation of CAs excepting βCA2. Excess Cd2+ and deficit of Zn2+ specifically reduce CA activity and reduce its synthesis. Probable roles of βCAs in stress adaptation include stomatal closure, ROS scavenging and partial compensation for decreased mesophyll CO2 conductance. βCAs play contrasting roles in pathogen responses, interacting with phytohormone signaling networks. Their role can be either negative or positive, probably depending on the host–pathogen system, pathogen initial titer, and levels of ·NO and ROS. It is still not clear why CAs are suppressed under severe stress levels. It should be noted, that the role of βCAs in the facilitation of CO2 diffusion and their involvement in redox signaling or ROS detoxication are potentially antagonistic, as they are inactivated by oxidation or nitrosylation. Interestingly, some chloroplastic βCAs may be relocated to the cytoplasm under stress conditions, but the physiological meaning of this effect remains to be studied.

服务人员 孙小满

服务院士 尹伟伦

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