数据资源: 林业专题资讯

UV-Curable Bio-Based Polymers Derived from Industrial Pulp and Paper Processes

编号 020030003

推送时间 20210719

研究领域 林产化工 

年份 2021 

类型 期刊 

语种 英语

标题 UV-Curable Bio-Based Polymers Derived from Industrial Pulp and Paper Processes

来源期刊 Polymers


发表时间 20210608

关键词 pulp and paper industry;  lignin;  UV-curing;  3D printing; 

摘要 Bio-based monomers represent the future market for polymer chemistry, since the political economics of different states promote green ventures toward more sustainable materials and processes. Industrial pulp and paper processing represent a large market that could advance the use of by-products to avoid waste production and reduce pollution. Lignin represents the most available side product that can be used to produce a bio-based monomer. This review is concentrated on the possibility of using bio-based monomer derivates from pulp and the paper industry for UV-curing processing. UV-curing represents the new frontier for thermoset production, allowing a fast reaction cure, less energy demand, and the elimination of solvent. The growing demand for new monomers increases research in the environmental field to substitute for petroleum-based products. This review provides an overview of the main monomers and relative families of compounds derived from industrial processes that are suitable for UV-curing. Particular focus is given to the developments reached in the last few years concerning lignin,?rosin?and terpenes and the related possible applications of these in UV-curing chemistry.

服务人员 尚玮姣

服务院士 宋湛谦

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