数据资源: 林业专题资讯

Additive biomass models for Quercus spp. single-trees sensitive to temperature and precipitation in Eurasia

编号 030025001

推送时间 20200802

研究领域 森林经理 

年份 2020 

类型 期刊 

语种 英语

标题 Additive biomass models for Quercus spp. single-trees sensitive to temperature and precipitation in Eurasia



发表时间 20190711

关键词 oak trees;  tree biomass;  allometric models;  additive biomass equations;  mean January temperature;  mean annual precipitation; 

摘要 The analysis of the biomass of oak (genus Quercus spp.) trees on the aboveground component composition based on regression equations having the additive biomass structure is fulfilled. Two trends of changes in the tree biomass structure are revealed: due to the mean January temperature and due to the mean annual precipitation. It was shown for the first time that both trends are mutually determined: the intensity of biomass trend in relation to the temperature is changing when depending on the level of precipitation, and the intensity of biomass trend in relation to precipitation level is changing during to a transition from the cold zone to the wane one and vice versa.

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