数据资源: 林业专题资讯

Surface modifications of nanocellulose: From synthesis to high-performance nanocomposites

编号 020032202

推送时间 20211220

研究领域 林产化工 

年份 2021 

类型 期刊 

语种 英语

标题 Surface modifications of nanocellulose: From synthesis to high-performance nanocomposites

来源期刊 Progress in Polymer Science


发表时间 20210529

关键词 Nanocellulose;  Cellulose nanocrystals;  Chemical modification;  Nanocomposites; 

摘要 Nanocellulose?is at the cutting edge of current research owing to its highly useful features, such as abundance and renewability of its source, biocompatibility, nanoscale dimension, high specific surface area, and tunable surface chemistry. Its multifunctional characteristics present opportunities for novel applications across a wide range of emerging fields. However, despite of its many beneficial features, its inherent?hydrophilicity?is posing a substantial challenge for the application of nanocellulose as reinforcing filler in conventional plastics as it complicates its dispersion in hydrophobic host polymers and often results in aggregated structures that detriment properties. The formation of aggregates is a significant barrier to achieving outstanding mechanical performance in composites. Manipulation and fine-tuning of the?interfacial properties?of nanocellulose has thus been recognized as a crucial step in exploiting its full potential in the development of new materials. Diverse surface-modification routes are now being developed to improve the miscibility and interfacial compatibility of nanocellulose with hosting matrices and also to confer new functionalities. We present a comprehensive overview of the fundamental aspects of a broad range of surface-modification strategies, from basic grafting of small molecules to sophisticated development of responsive platforms. We have emphasized the quantification of these modifications in terms of degree of substitution and their possible relationship with level of dispersion in organic solvents. We also reviewed the polymer reinforcement as it is one of the most prominent areas of nanocellulose research. We cover various domains of nanocellulose-reinforced?polymer composites?that are reported in the current literature and provide insights into technical breakthroughs and the scientific underpinnings of reinforcement mechanisms of nanocellulose in various?polymer matrices?with the aid of easy-to-understand illustrations. Finally, we critically evaluate the challenges encountered in the current research and highlight future opportunities for research to enable tunable and high-performance nanostructured?cellulosic materials?for applications across engineering and biomedical sciences.

服务人员 尚玮姣

服务院士 宋湛谦

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