数据资源: 林业专题资讯

Advances in gene editing without residual transgenes in plants

编号 040034102

推送时间 20220502

研究领域 森林培育 

年份 2022 

类型 期刊 

语种 英语

标题 Advances in gene editing without residual transgenes in plants

来源期刊 Plant Physiology


发表时间 20211210

关键词 gene editing;  transgenes in plants;  Transgene residuals;  haploid induction coupled;  CRISPR;  Arabidopsis thaliana; 

摘要 Transgene residuals in edited plants affect genetic analysis, pose off-target risks, and cause regulatory concerns. Several strategies have been developed to efficiently edit target genes without leaving any transgenes in plants. Some approaches directly address this issue by editing plant genomes with DNA-free reagents. On the other hand, DNA-based techniques require another step for ensuring plants are transgene-free. Fluorescent markers, pigments, and chemical treatments have all been employed as tools to distinguish transgenic plants from transgene-free plants quickly and easily. Moreover, suicide genes have been used to trigger self-elimination of transgenic plants, greatly improving the efficiency of isolating the desired transgene-free plants. Transgenes can also be excised from plant genomes using site-specific recombination, transposition or gene editing nucleases, providing a strategy for editing asexually produced plants. Finally, haploid induction coupled with gene editing may make it feasible to edit plants that are recalcitrant to transformation. Here, we evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of recently developed approaches for obtaining edited plants without transgene residuals.

服务人员 孙小满

服务院士 尹伟伦

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