数据资源: 林业专题资讯

Cellulose-derived hydrothermally carbonized materials and their emerging applications

编号 020026303

推送时间 20201102

研究领域 林产化工 

年份 2020 

类型 期刊 

语种 英语

标题 Cellulose-derived hydrothermally carbonized materials and their emerging applications

来源期刊 Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry


发表时间 20200920

关键词 Hydrothermally carbonized cellulose; 

摘要 Hydrothermally carbonized cellulose and its further modifications are intriguing materials for a wide range of potential applications. Hydrothermal carbonization is a sustainable process for converting biopolymers or other biomass sources into carbonaceous materials under mild conditions in water and at relatively low temperatures. This review presents the latest progress in modification and utilization of hydrothermally carbonized cellulose and related materials in environmental, biomedical, and energy applications. Further applications presented include evaluation of cellulose-derived carbon spheres or carbon dots as catalysts, antibacterial materials, flame retardants, and functional fillers in bioplastic composites. The wide range of applications highlights the great potential and multifunctionality of hydrothermally carbonized cellulose and its derivatives. The field is expected to further expand and increase in importance as we move toward circular bioeconomy.

服务人员 尚玮姣

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