数据资源: 林业专题资讯

Naturally Derived Janus Cellulose Nanomaterials: Anisotropic Cellulose Nanomaterial Building Blocks and Their Assembly into Asymmetric Structures

编号 020036704

推送时间 20221031

研究领域 林产化工 

年份 2022 

类型 期刊 

语种 英语

标题 Naturally Derived Janus Cellulose Nanomaterials: Anisotropic Cellulose Nanomaterial Building Blocks and Their Assembly into Asymmetric Structures

来源期刊 ACS Nano


发表时间 20220908

关键词 Cellulose nanomaterial;  nanocellulose;  cellulose nanofibril;  cellulose nanocrystal;  CNM particle;  self-assembly;  asymmetric structure;  anisotropic materials;  CNM Janus membrane; 

摘要 Naturally derived cellulose nanomaterials (CNMs) with desirable physicochemical properties have drawn tremendous attention for their versatile applications in a broad range of fields. More recently, Janus amphiphilic cellulose nanomaterial particles with asymmetric structures (i.e., reducing and nonreducing ends and crystalline and amorphous domains) have been in the spotlight, offering a rich and sophisticated toolbox for Janus nanomaterials. With careful surface and interfacial engineering, Janus CNM particles have demonstrated great potential as surface modifiers, emulsifiers, stabilizers, compatibilizers, and dispersants in emulsions, nanocomposites, and suspensions. Naturally derived Janus CNM particles offer a fascinating opportunity for scaling up the production of self-standing Janus CNM membranes. Nevertheless, most Janus CNM membranes to date are constructed by asymmetric fabrication or asymmetric modification without considering the Janus traits of CNM particles. More future research should focus on the self-assembly of Janus CNM particles into bulk self-standing Janus CNM membranes to enable more straightforward and sustainable approaches for Janus membranes. This review explores the fabrication, structure-property relationship, and Janus configuration mechanisms of Janus CNM particles and membranes. Janus CNM membranes are highlighted for their versatile applications in liquid, thermal, and light management. This review also highlights the significant advances and future perspectives in the construction and application of sustainable Janus CNM particles and membranes.

服务人员 尚玮姣

服务院士 宋湛谦

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