编号 030036703
推送时间 20221031
研究领域 森林经理
年份 2022
类型 期刊
语种 英语
标题 Progress and Challenges in Intelligent Remote Sensing Satellite Systems
期 第367期
发表时间 20220321
关键词 Satellites; Remote sensing; Spatial resolution; Imaging; Sensors; Real-time systems; Satellite broadcasting; Artificial intelligence; hyperspectral remote sensing; intelligent remote sensing satellite; onboard real-time processing;
摘要 Due to advances in remote sensing satellite imaging and image processing technologies and their wide applications, intelligent remote sensing satellites are facing an opportunity for rapid development. The key technologies, standards, and laws of intelligent remote sensing satellites are also experiencing a series of new challenges. Novel concepts and key technologies in the intelligent hyperspectral remote sensing satellite system have been proposed since 2011. The aim of these intelligent remote sensing satellites is to provide real-time, accurate, and personalized remote sensing information services. This article reviews the current developments in new-generation intelligent remote sensing satellite systems, with a focus on intelligent remote sensing satellite platforms, imaging payloads, onboard processing systems, and other key technological chains. The technological breakthroughs and current defects of intelligence-oriented designs are also analyzed. Intelligent remote sensing satellites collect personalized remote sensing data and information, with real-time data features and information interaction between remote sensing satellites or between satellites and the ground. Such developments will expand the use of remote sensing applications beyond government departments and industrial users to a massive number of individual users. However, this extension faces challenges regarding privacy protection, societal values, and laws regarding the sharing and distribution of data and information.
服务人员 付贺龙
服务院士 唐守正
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