数据资源: 林业专题资讯

Versatile levulinic acid-derived dynamic covalent thermosets enabled by in situ generated imine and multiple hydrogen bonds

编号 020037905

推送时间 20230123

研究领域 林产化工 

年份 2022 

类型 期刊 

语种 英语

标题 Versatile levulinic acid-derived dynamic covalent thermosets enabled by in situ generated imine and multiple hydrogen bonds

来源期刊 Chemical Engineering Journal


发表时间 20230101

关键词 Dynamic covalent bonds;  Vitrimers;  Reprocessability;  Flame retardancy;  Antibacterial properties; 

摘要 Bio-based dynamic covalent thermosets have attracted extensive attention as they are expected to break con-ventional thermosets' reliance on fossil resources and address the recycling issue after disposal. However, there has always been a contradiction between using bio-based feedstocks and possessing high properties, as well as a conflict between high performance and rapid recycling (reprocessing and degradation). In this work, a simple approach was developed to prepare bio-based thermosets with high performance, rapid reprocessing, high flame retardancy, and antibacterial properties enabled by in-situ generated dynamic covalent imine (Schiff base) bonds and multiple hydrogen bonds. The levulinic acid epoxy (ELA) was successfully synthesized and cured with 2-(4-aminophenyl)-1H-benzimidazol-5-amine (BIA) containing benzimidazole structures. The high concentration of Schiff bases and multiple hydrogen bonds of ELA-BIA endowed it with high glass transition temperature and mechanical properties, as well as satisfactory catalyst-free malleability, rapid reprocessing and repairing. Furthermore, due to the combined effect of the in-situ Schiff base and benzimidazole structure, ELA-BIA exhibited excellent condensed phase char formation ability, resulting in intrinsic flame retardancy with a limiting oxygen index of 33.8 % and a UL-94 V-0 rating, both of which were significantly higher than 4, 4'- diaminodiphenyl methane (DDM) cured ELA or DDM cured bisphenol A epoxy. Moreover, the Schiff bases bonded in the networks provided 100 % of the intrinsic antibacterial rates. This work provides a feasible and simple strategy for the preparation of high-performance and versatile bio-based dynamic covalent thermosets.

服务人员 尚玮姣

服务院士 宋湛谦

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