数据资源: 林业专题资讯

Stomatal opening ratio mediates trait coordinating network adaptation to environmental gradients

编号 040035201

推送时间 20220718

研究领域 森林培育 

年份 2022 

类型 期刊 

语种 英语

标题 Stomatal opening ratio mediates trait coordinating network adaptation to environmental gradients

来源期刊 New Phytologist


发表时间 20220501

关键词 Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila);  covariation;  eurybiont;  guard cells;  maximum theoretical stomatal conductance (gsmax);  stomatal;  water availability.; 

摘要 A trait coordination network is constructed through intercorrelations of functional traits, which reflect trait-based adaptive strategies. However, little is known about how these networks change across spatial scales, and what drivers and mechanisms mediate this change.
This study bridges that gap by integrating functional traits related to plant carbon gain and water economy into the coordination network of Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila), a eurybiont that survives along a 3800?km environmental gradient from humid forest to arid desert.
Our results demonstrated that both stomatal density and stomatal size reached a physiological threshold at which adjustments in these traits were not sufficient to cope with the increased environmental stress. Network analysis further revealed that the mechanism for overcoming this threshold, the stomatal opening ratio, gratio, was represented by the highest values for centrality across different spatial scales, and therefore mediated the changes in the trait coordination network along environmental gradients. The mediating roles manifested as creating the highest maximum theoretical stomatal conductance (gsmax) but lowest possible gratio for pathogen defense in humid regions, while maintaining the gratio ‘sweet spot’ (c. 20% in this region) for highest water use efficiency in semihumid regions, and having the lowest gsmax and highest gratio for gas exchange and leaf cooling in arid regions.
These results suggested that the stomatal traits related to control of stomatal movement play fundamental roles in balancing gas exchange, leaf cooling, embolism resistance and pathogen defense. These insights will allow more accurate model parameterization for different regions, and therefore better predictions of species’ responses to global change.

服务人员 孙小满

服务院士 尹伟伦

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